McDonogh Community 艺术 - McDonogh School-国内十大彩票平台

McDonogh Community 艺术

麦当劳社区艺术(MCA)是一个独特的项目,为麦当劳家庭和更大的巴尔的摩社区提供高质量的课外艺术课程,就在我们的校园里! MCA includes classes for children and adults, and each offering is designed to spark creativity, self-expression, and artistic abilities. 这些课程的特色是麦克唐纳的教师以及约翰霍普金斯大学皮博迪预备学院和搬家公司舞蹈中心的老师.

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Registration for winter programs will open soon! 滚动入场的节目可以在下面找到. 


Introduction to Ballet 1 (Ages 5-6)

年龄: 5-6
时间: Saturday, 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 
Instructor: Peabody Preparatory
成本: $968 (yearlong)

我们向5-6岁的学生介绍初级芭蕾舞训练的基本原理(安置), port de bras, footwork, 和简单的词汇)在一个综合的和创造性的学习环境-练习身体对齐, non-verbal storytelling, studio etiquette, and team-building skills.; memorizing choreographed combinations through ensemble work; and utilizing ballet technique and training as a vehicle of imagination, creativity, and mindfulness.


Introduction to Ballet 2 (Age 6)

年龄: 6
时间: Thursday, 4:00-5:00 p.m. 
Instructor: Peabody Preparatory
成本: $968 (yearlong)

我们向5-6岁的学生介绍初级芭蕾舞训练的基本原理(安置), port de bras, footwork, 和简单的词汇)在一个综合的和创造性的学习环境-练习身体对齐, non-verbal storytelling, studio etiquette, and team-building skills.; memorizing choreographed combinations through ensemble work; and utilizing ballet technique and training as a vehicle of imagination, creativity, and mindfulness.


McDonogh Level 1 Ballet (Ages 7-12 by placement)

年龄: 7-12
一天: Thursday, 5:00-6:00 p.m. and Saturday, 12;00-1:00 p.m.
Instructor: Peabody Preparatory
成本: $968  (yearlong)

1级是初级芭蕾课程的入门级,为希望进入更高级别的学生提供重要的基础. 所有学生都必须每周参加两次60分钟的一级芭蕾课程,至少持续一年才能继续学习, 即使是那些在小时候受过训练的人. 保持课堂的一致性,并建立一个学习相同概念的学生群体, 学生必须在同一个校园上两门课. 学生们在杠上学习基本词汇,并开始集中精力锻炼身体, rotation from the hip sockets, traveling across the floor with coordination, and expressive port de bras with the arms. 他们继续进行旨在增加灵活性的练习和活动, develop core strength, and improve rhythmic awareness.



Individual 跳舞 Lessons (Ages 5+)

年龄: 5+
一天: Varies
Session: 6-, or 12-week sessions offered; lessons begin the week of 9/16/24
Instructor: MCA 跳舞 Faculty
成本: $732(12周,每节课$61),$366(6周,每节课$61)

麦当劳自豪地为所有年龄段的学生提供个人舞蹈课程, experience levels, and dance interests. MCA舞蹈课程强调在创造和表演各种类型的舞蹈技能的发展. The lessons are 30 minutes. 如果由于生病或其他学校强加的冲突而缺课, efforts will be made to make up the lesson at a separate time; one make-up lesson is built into the fall session to accommodate these conflicts. 请注意:缺课需提前24小时通知, 无理由缺勤的学生不能得到学分. 如果你选择让你的孩子退出这个项目, no credit will be given for any remaining lessons. 


Visual Art 

Individual Art Lessons (Ages 5+)

年龄: 5+
一天: Varies
Session: 6-, or 12-week sessions offered; lessons begin the week of 9/16/24
Instructor: MCA Visual Art Faculty
成本: $732(12周,每节课$61),$366(6周,每节课$61)

麦当劳自豪地为所有年龄段的学生提供个人艺术课程, experience levels, and art interests. MCA艺术课强调发展在各种媒介中创造视觉艺术的技能. The lessons are 30 minutes. 如果由于生病或其他学校强加的冲突而缺课, efforts will be made to make up the lesson at a separate time; one make-up lesson is built into the fall session to accommodate for these conflicts. 请注意:缺课需提前24小时通知,无故缺课不记分. 如果你选择让你的孩子退出这个项目, no credit will be given for any remaining lessons. 



Individual 音乐 Lessons (Ages 5+)

年龄: Five and up
Day/时间: 上课时间由老师和学生的可用性决定
Session: 课程分为6周、12周或30周,从9月16日开始
Instructor: MCA 音乐 Faculty
成本: $1770 (30 weeks, $59/lesson); $732 (12 weeks, $61/lesson); $366 (6 weeks, $61/lesson)

麦当劳自豪地为所有年龄段的学生提供个人音乐课程, experience levels, and musical interests. MCA音乐课强调在特定乐器上创作和表演音乐的技能的发展. 初中和高中的课程是30分钟,低年级的课程是25分钟. 课程在放学后和晚上提供. Lessons are also offered to McDonogh students during the school day; lessons scheduled during the day do not interfere with academic programs.

今年,课程将分为30周、12周或6周. 报名参加完整的30周课程的学生将获得折扣的课程价格,并将优先参加日间课程. 报名参加12周或6周课程的学生不能保证白天上课.


  • Drums and Percussion: Ages 5 and up
  • 铜管(小号,长号和大号):适合8岁及以上
  • 木管乐器(长笛,单簧管,萨克斯和双簧管):8岁及以上
  • Guitar: Ages 6 and up
  • Piano: Ages 5 and up
  • Strings (violin, viola, and cello): Ages 5 and up
  • Voice: Ages 10 and up
  • Ukulele: Ages 6 and up

如果由于生病或其他学校规定的冲突而缺课, efforts will be made to make up the lesson at a separate time; three make-up lessons are built into the 30-week session to accommodate for these conflicts. 出于同样的原因,在6周和12周的课程中设置了一节补课.

请注意:缺课需提前24小时通知,无故缺课不记分. 如果你选择让你的孩子退出这个项目, no credit will be given for any remaining lessons.



Adult Yoga

年龄: Adults Only
一天: Tuesdays from 7:00 to 7:45 a.m. or Thursdays from 6:00 to 6:45 p.m.
Session: 12-weeks, beginning the week of September 16
成本: $144 (12-week session) or $15 for drop-in class
Instructor: Nina Pongratz (Tuesdays), Laura King (Thursdays)
Location: McDonogh 跳舞 Studio, Edward St. John Student Center

Join MCA Adult Yoga to enhance your focus, reduce stress, 在开始或结束一天的工作时保持精力充沛和平衡. Whether your goals are to cultivate a clear mind, boost physical activity, or set a positive intention for the week ahead, 瑜伽是在我们的社区中找到平衡和健康的完美方式. 这是一个仅限成人的课程,不需要以前的经验. 现在就注册,体验瑜伽带来的改变!